Thursday, September 23, 2010



1. Dappled sun rays filtered through the canopy of leaves creating mysterious shadows.
2. A gentle breeze caressed my raven black hair as I skipped my way to the beach for some sun-tanning.
3. Suddenly the tranquility of my peaceful surroundings was shattered by piercing screams.
4. Throngs of people were running helter-skelter away from the beach.
5. Screams of the word ‘tsunami’ reverberated through the air.
6. My eyes grew as wide as saucers.
7. A pillar of water was bearing straight towards me!
8. Without hesitation, I whipped a hundred and eighty degrees turn and took to my heels.
9. escape the wrath of the raging waves
10. The roaring of the tumultuous waves grew louder and louder.
11. Couging and spluttering, I was dragged onto the rooftop.
12. Finally after what seemed like eternity, the flash floods ceased.
13. All around us was the macabre sight of destruction and death.
14. salvage their belongings
15. combed through the rubble in the hope of finding survivors.
16. heart filled with sorrow
17. survived the ordeal

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