Thursday, September 23, 2010

School Bullies

School Bullies
1. The canteen was as boisterous as a cavalcade
2. Students chatted animatedly and cutlery clanged as stall owners set about work to cater to all their young customers’ orders.
3. jam-packed and buzzing with all the sporting activities.
4. submitted to the temptation and threw all caution to the wind.
5. munching on sour grapes
6. perking his head out for a quick scan
7. Temperatures immediately dropped to sub-zero as Ken came face-to-face with the terrors in school
8. The chill in his spine made his knuckles turn white from clutching the broom in his hands.
9. Being confined in the classroom with these four bullies brought the gloom of the night along with the grim of death upon Ken. Inevitably, Ken knew he was doomed.
10. leader of the pack growled with hostility
11. Ken was the school midget, grossly outsized and outnumbered
12. he handed over the meagre amount of money and that incited their wrath
13. unleashed more verbal threats
14. froze in fear
15. seizing the golden opportunity, Ken whacked his perpetrator in his groin with the broom in his hands
16. The pain sent the bullies tumbling to the ground upon one another like dominoes.
17. blurted out the whole episode
18. growling in pain
19. Ken felt triumphant at having justice prevail for him

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