Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Samples of Good Introductions

Sample 1
I cycled along the road and struggled up the hill. It was hot but I knew the effort would be worth it. Finally, standing on the pedals and pushing with all my strength, I reached the top. There below me, ws the long stretch of beach and the sea.

Sample 2
With the morning sun beating down upon me, I cycled up the long, straight road. The slowly rising hill stretched before me, but the thought of getting off my bicycle and pushing it never entered my head. I stood on the pedals and pushed with all my might. Cows raised their heads, chewing thoughtfully and gazing at me. “Why is he rushing?” they must have thought. “There’s time enough.” Still, I could smell the sea salt in the air and was in no mood for strolling.
At last, with one final push, I reached the top of the hill. There, far below me was the long, deserted stretch of beach and the endless blue of the sparkling sea.

Sample 3
I sat nervously in my seat. The senior judge stood with the envelope in his hnd which his colleagues had given him. He told the excited audience that they had been very impressed by all the competitors’ speeches. Finally he opened the envelope and took out a piece of paper. The crowd held its breath. He looked up for a moment and said, “I’ll read out the winners in reverse order…”

Sample 4
Everywhere the eye could see there were sunbathers lying on large beach towels all along the golden sand. Not that there ws much sand left, though. The packed mass of shouting, sweating sun-worshippers with blaring radios, flying Frisbies and screaming, sand-kicking children covered the whole beach.

Sample 5
I had hoped for an escape in the warm waters but I was disappointed. Fat paddlers gleefully kicked water at anyone nearby and, further out, swimmers came splashing at me from all angles. I had to leap for cover as surfers tried their best to knock my head off with their boards!
I decided to give up and go home. A suntan was not worth the danger.

Sample 6
The blue ocean sparkled in the sunlight beneath the cloudless sky. Gentle waves rolled lazily onto the deserted beach. The leaves of the palm trees rustled softly in the breeze and we stretched out gratefully beneath them on large towels, trying to get some shade from the cruelly hot midday sun.

Sample 7
The wild wind whipped the waves into heaving mountains which crashed down upon the stony shore. Greedy fingers of foam grabbed at rocks, trying to pull them back and slapped my face with spray in their frustration.

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