Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Synthesis (Conjunctions p 38-39)

Synthesis (Conjunctions p 38-39)

1. Stephen and Stuart are angry with Mary for revealing their secret.
2. He had to rush to the airport although it was raining heavily.
3. The runaway teenager disguised herself so that she could not be recognised.
4. Unless Fiona has finished her homework, she cannot come with us.
5. I could not sleep despite feeling tired.
6. I will play tennis tomorrow unless it is raining.
7. As yesterday was a public holiday, most of the shops were closed.
8. I am not working tomorrow so I do not have to get up early.
9. As the thief was climbing over the wall, someone saw him.
10. Lisa hung the clothes out to dry after washing the clothes/ she washed the clothes/ she had washed the clothes.
11. Dave switched on the light because it was very dark inside.

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