Monday, August 2, 2010

Phrasal Verbs 1

Anxious about : Worried about
Anxious for: Eager for/wanting

Bring about: Cause to happen
Bring back :(1)return; (2) cause to remember
Bring in : Yield or produce as profit
Bring out : Cause to appear or show clearly
Bring up :(1) educate or rear; (2) call attention to

Break down: (1) collapse; (2) stop because of a fault
Break into :Enter by force
Break off: Separate; to stop
Break out:To appear suddenly
Break up:To break into pieces
Break up with:Quarrel with (sb)

Call at: Visit (place)
Call on :Visit (sb)
Call for: demand
Call in :summon
Call off: cancel
Carry on: Continue, manage
Carry out: Perform, execute (duties)
Carry off : Remove by force
Carry through: Bring safely out of difficulties

Come about : happen
Come across : Meet by chance
Come by : obtain
Come down with: Begin to suffer from an illness
Come out : appear
Come round : (1) recover , (2) agree
Come to : amount
Come up to : Reach; be equal to
Come up with : Produce (idea)
Cut down : Reduce (expenditure)
Cut into : interrupt
Cut off : (1)Bring to an end; (2) isolated
Get away : escape
Get on : progress
Get along with : Be on friendly terms
Get through : Pass (an exam)
Give away: Betray, expose
Give in : surrender
Give off : Send out (smoke)
Give over : abandon
Give up : Stop trying
Go after : chase
Go into : (1) enter ; (2) examine
Go off : explode
Go through : Pass; discuss; examine
Go up: increase

Hold on : wait a moment
Hold up : Offer resistance; Delay; stop somebody for the purpose of robbery
Look after : Take care of
Look down on :despise
Look up : Search for
Look into : investigate
Look to (sb): Rely on
Look up to: respect
Look for : Try to find
Make out : Succeed in seeing/reading
Make up : reconcile
Make up for : compensate
Pull down : demolish
Pull through : Pass with difficulty; Recover from illness
Pull together: Co-operate
Put off: postpone
Put on: Wear, assume
Put out: extinguish
Put up with :tolerate
Run down: Become feeble or tired; treat with disrespect
Run out of :Exhausted, finished
Run up to : Amount to
Run into : Incur debt
Run away: Try to escape
Run over :revise
Run across: Meet by chance
See through: detect
See into: discern

See (sb) off :Be present at someone’s departure
Set about:Start doing sth
Set off:Start a journey
Set out:Begin a journey
Set up:establish
Set upon :attack
Set forth:explain
Stand up for:Maintain, speak in defence of
Stand by:support
Stand for:represent
Stand back:Move back
Take after:resemble
Take back:Withdraw as an apology
Take down:Copy, write down
take off: Remove; leave the ground and go into the air
Take to :Get into a habit
Throw away:waste
Throw up:Vomit, resign
Throw over:abandon
Turn away:Refuse to help
Turn down:reject
Turn up:Arrive; appear
Turn out:To produce; manufacture
Turn against:Become hostile
Work out:Solve; calculate
Work on/upon:influence
Work up:excite

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