Monday, August 2, 2010



hanker after
look after
named after

against one's principles
against the law
fight against
lean aginst
prejudiced against
protest against
Rebel against
Voted against

Aim at
At a certain point
At a distance
At first/last
At four o’clock
At full speed
At an early age
At night
At any rate
At once
At the bus stop
At the station
At war with
At work
Good at
Indignant at
Laugh at
One at a time
Smile at
Snap at
Stare at

Abide by
Affected by
By accident/chance
By the river
By the way
By three o’clock
Caused by
Get by
Hold by the tail
Learn by heart
Paid by the hour
Pass by
Run by
Travel by air/sea/rail

A cheque for $400
Apply for
Compensation for
Famous for
For five days
For the first time
Long for
Meant for
Pay for
Qualified for
Reserve for
Send for
Useful for
Work for

Absent from
Abstain from
Banned from
Borrow from
Derived from
Differ from
Digress from
Disappear from
Emit from
Excluded from
From memory
From time to time
Keep from
Rescue from
Steal from
Suffer from
Take from

Absorbed in
Backward in
Believe in
Excel in
Expert in
In a hurry
Indulge in
In love
In my opinion
Interested in
Involved in
Proficient in
Resulted in
Rope in
Specialize in
Versed in the

Approve of
Accused of
Afraid of
Ashamed of
Assured of
Aware of
Beware of
Complain of
Confident of
Conscious of
Consist of
Convicted of
Cured of
Deprived of
Died of
Envious of
Fond of
Guilty of
ignorant of
Innocent of
Part of
Proud of
Sure of
Suspicious of
Think of
Tired of
Worthy of

Comment on
Concentrate on
Congratulate on
Converge on
Depend on
Have an effect on
Influence on
Insist on
On fire
On Monday
On purpose
On sale
On the average
On the whole
Pivot on
Rely on

Call out
Find out
Make out
Out of his mind
Out of reach
Out of sight
Out of stock
Pick out
Pull out
Shut out
Single out
Speak out
Spill out

According to
Addicted to
Amount to
Appeal to
Beneficial to
Conducive to
Contrary to
Detrimental to
Hostile to
Indebted to
Injurious to
Introduce her to
Near to
Opposed to
Pretend to
Prone to
Relate to
Relevant to
Reply to
Respond to
Sensitive to
Similar to
Starve to death
Submit to
Succumb to
Yield to

Acquainted with
Associate with
Busy with
Complete with
Comply with
Contented with
Delighted with
Disappointed with
Disgusted with
Fill with
Happy with
Infested with
Meddle with
Overcome with
Reconcile with
Saddled with
Share with
Satisfied with
Sympathize with
Write with

Add up
Brighten up
Build up
Cough up
Eat up
Gang up
Light up
Loosen up
Make up
Patch up
Raise up
Scrape up
Seal up
Spruce up

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