Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Describing Weather, Places, Time, Actions, Appearance, Feelings

Describing the Weather

thunder rumbled in the distance

the breeze slowly grew into a gust

the wind hit against the window panes

the silver moon was hanging in the starless sky

a bolt of lightning pierced through the darkness

the sun cast a warm rosy glow through the windows

a blanket of dark clouds unrolled and covered the entire sky

a magnificent flash of lightning illuminated the blackened sky

flashes of lightning were followed by deafening claps of thunder

lightning zigzagged across the sky, followed by a boom of thunder

Describing Places

from across the hall

seated in his favourite armchair

under the shade of a Banyan tree

scurried across the open-air car park

the streets and pavements stood empty

standing outside the brightly lit jewellery shop

pale silver moonlight seeped through the blinds

a metallic blue limousine made its way slowly round the bend

Describing Time

after a hard day’s work

as the seconds ticked by

slowly, she lifted her head

his footsteps came to a sudden halt

the late afternoon light cast a shadow

the first drop of rain splattered onto the ground

he spent almost every moment waiting by her side

as vivid images of his past flashed through his mind

Describing Actions

he sauntered into the room

he walked menacingly towards her with a deliberate slow pace

when he walked, he clenched his fists as if he was about to hit someone

he threw back his head and a hysterical laugh escaped from his chapped, dry lips

pointing an accusing finger at his assailant, he collapsed onto the floor with a thud

she staggered backwards, eyes darting about, in a desperate search for someone to help her

Describing Appearance

a bespectacled middle-aged man

he stood at a towering height of two metres

dark brown curls framed her porcelain smooth face

great flabby folds of fat bulged from every part of his body

a mass of frizzy black hair fell loosely over his pockmarked face

she was a jolly plump woman with a smile that lit up her entire face

her uneven complexion was carefully concealed with a thick layer of powder

Expressing Anger

anger simmered within him

his nostrils flaring with rage

her eyes were filled with rage

her body shook with uncontrollable rage

waves of fury coursed through his veins

feeling angry, he clenched his fists tightly

Expressing Fear

fear clawed at her heart

his glare sent a ripple of fear down my spine

petrified, she cowered into a corner, shivering

he staggered backwards as fear gripped his heart

icy cold fear gripped her heart as the killer advanced towards her

his heart was palpitating wildly as beads of perspiration rolled down his forehead

Expressing Sadness

fighting back his tears, he choked as he spoke

heard the heartrending cries of the starving children

I pleaded tearfully as a feeling of despair welled up inside me

Bitter tears glistened on her eyelashes as she recalled her past

tears filled her eyes as she tried to uncap her bottled up feelings

torn apart by grief and remorse, she let out a heart-wrenching sob

a forlorn look spread across his wrinkled face as a lone tear trickled down his cheek

Expressing Happiness

he broke into peals of laughter

a feeling of elation came over him

whirling around with a cheeky grin on his face

she squealed in delight and jumped around ecstatically

her joyful rendition captured the hearts of everyone in the audience

his face broke into a toothy grin and his eyes sparkled with tears of joy

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