Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Synthesis p24-29 : Despite/In spite of (WS1-3)

Despite/In spite of (Synthesis p 24 – 29 WS 1-3)

1. Despite what he did, I did not scold him.
2. Despite the soup being very hot, John drank it up in a gulp.
3. Peter continued to study for his test despite having a headache.
4. Despite the cold weather, she wore a dress.
5. Despite all of us being there, we could do nothing at all.
6. Despite his lack of self-discipline/ lacking in self-discipline, he was a kind and generous man.
7. Despite countless warnings, you still refused to obey the school rules.
8. Despite my warning, she touched the kettle.
9. Ben did not give up despite being very tired mid-way through the marathon.
10. Despite the bad weather, they decided to leave for the concert.

1. Despite the poacher being very close to the tiger, he missed the shot.
2. Despite us warning Peter, he left the camp without the gun.
3. Despite the tough competition, he won the gold medal.
4. Despite countless warnings not to, they swam in the lake that night.
5. Despite being ill/his illness, he insisted on going to work.
6. Despite their persuasion, she refused to go to the party.
7. Despite having his innocence proven, the people were still suspicious of him.
8. Despite his injury, Fandi still continued to play until the end of the match.
9. Despite eating nothing but salad and fruit, she still saw the same round face in the mirror.
10. Despite my protest, Fiona ignored me.
11. Despite all of us being there, we could do nothing at all.

WS 3
Despite her lack of experience, the company employed her.
Or Despite lacking in experience, she was employed by the company.
2. Despite playing well, the soccer team lost the match.
Or Despite losing the match, the soccer team played well.
3. He still found time for a last visit with all his friends in spite of having to leave for England so soon.
4. In spite of the heavy downpour, the four boys hiked down to the next town.
5. In spite of the fact that he knew everything, he still kept quiet when his brother was arrested.
6. In spite of being poor, they were happy.
7. Weiwei refused to give up the race in spite of being seriously injured.
8. In spite of his protest, he was taken to the police station and charged with theft.
9. In spite of me shouting for help as loudly as I could, no one heard me.
10. He offered to help in spite of being very busy/ his business.

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