Monday, October 11, 2010

Robbery 1

1. The robbery t_________ p________ in Nathan Road yesterday.

2. The a_______ robbery happened in broad d___________.

3. One of the salesmen pressed the a_________ .

4. The robbers e_________ f_________ with the police.

5. The taller robber was wearing a m_________ .

6. C_______________ television and a s____________ camera have been installed.

7. Finally, the policeman o______________ the robber and arrested them.

8. The valuables were r_________ .

9. The victims were g_________ to the police.

10. The police d___________ the on-lookers from the scene.

11. One of the robbers stood on g_________ while the other robbers ransacked the shop.

12. The police are still i_______________ the robbery.

13. Two policemen were p_________ the area at the time of the robbery.

14. Two police cars rushed to the s_________.

15. The jewellery shop had lost several trays of o___________.

1. took place
2. armed, daylight
3. alarm
4. exchanged fire
5. mask
6. Closed-circuit, surveillance
7. overpowered
8. recovered
9 grateful
10. dispersed
11. guard
12. investigating
13. patrol
14. scene
15. ornaments

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