Wednesday, October 13, 2010

In case/ In order to /No matter/ None/Never/ As long as/ Much to

1. Spend fifty dollars at this store. You will get a mystery gift.
In order to get a mystery gift, you have to spend fifty dollars at this store.

2. Brush your teeth and have a regular dental check-up. Then your teeth will not decay.
In order to prevent your teeth from decaying/ decay, brush your teeth and have a regular check-up.

3. I didn’t want to lose my key. I made a duplicate key.
I made a duplicate key in case I lost my key.

4. It was possible that they hadn’t heard me. I rang the bell again.
I rang the bell again in case they hadn’t heard me.

5. I was afraid of a virus attack. I installed an anti-virus software in my computer.
I installed an anti-virus software in my computer in case of a virus attack.

No matter /As long as/None/ Much
1. Diana looked everywhere for the ring. She could not find it.
No matter where Diana looked /how hard Diana looked for the ring, she could not find it.

2. I told him many times to find a job. He refused to find a job.
No matter .

3. If you don’t provoke the dog, it will not bite you.
__________________________ as long as ____________________________.

4. All the goldfish I bought died when I reached home.
None ___________________________________________________________.

5. I was disgusted by him. He blew his nose while at the table.
Much to _________________________________________________________.

6. She wrote the note. Then she emailed it to her friend in China.
Having __________________________________________________________.

7. Always wash your hands before eating.
Never ___________________________________________________________.

8. Celestine is more knowledgeable about computers than I do.
I don’t know as _________________________________________________


  1. 3.The dog will not bite you as long as you don't provoke it.

    4.None of the goldfish i bought were dead when i reached home.

    5.Much to disgusted by him,he blew his nose while at the table.

    6.Having writing the note,she emailed it to her friend in China.

    7.Never wash your hand while eating.

    8.I don't know as Celestine is more knowledgeable about computers than me.

