Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Picture Discussion 2

Tell me about this picture.

Use vocabulary from the Oral booklet and Wow Wow Words to impress the examiner!


  1. This picture depicts a scene at the beach.I can see that there are a class with a teacher showwing the map.I think that they are playing a treasure hunt.I can see that there is a dog walking front and looking at the bunch of people talking and sticking his tongue out.I feel that the beach is a very clean and good environment.

  2. This picture depicts a picture of a park.I can see a class with a teacher.The teacher is showing a map to the pupils.I can also see other pupils plying,one of the pupil is in the water plying.

    I can also see a dog looking at the pupils.I feel that the beach is a nice and clean to go to.

  3. This picture depicts a scene at a beach. I can see that the beach is very clean and there are two coconut trees. I can see many students playing and fooling around. I can also see lots of students crowding around a teacher. I can also see a dog walking around hungrily, and tired. I think that the dog is lost and is looking for its owner. I feel that the kids should not fool around continuously and there should not only be one teacher taking care of so many children. It shows that people should continue to help the enviroment and make it green and it also shows that people should not push all the responsibilities to just one person. It also shows that people must be responsible pet owners.

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  5. the picture dipicts about the a beach.i can see that a branch of school pupils at the beach playing .i can see some of that school pupils playing catching at the beach .i can see the teacher and the pupils found there next destination i can feel that the beach was clean to go to .

  6. This picture depicts a scene at the beach. There are many children playing catching along the beach. There are a few children crowding around a lady. I think the lady is their teacher who is giving instruction how to keep the beach clean. I can see her handing out plastic bags, I think that the plastic bags are used to collect litter. I think that it is good to keep our environment clean so that it will not harm the plants and not pollute the sea. There is a dog looking around for something. I think that it is looking for its owner because I can see two people behind the bushes looking worriedly around. They must be the owner of the dog and are looking for it too.I think that owners should be more responsible about their pets.

  7. This picture depicts a scene at the beach.I can see 4 school pupils playing around at the beach , i feel that they should not play there because it seems like they are going there as a class with their teacher , they should not play around there as they might trip and fall and hurt themselves. not far away from them , there is a boy playing with the coconut tree , a girl beside him is trying to ask him to stop playing , that is a good dead , if i was there i will do the same because a coconut might just drop on some one's head . not far away , there is a group of students crowding around the teacher to listen what she is saying , i think all of the pupils should listen to the teacher and not fool around . beside them , there is a dog biting on to a piece of paper which seems like the paper the teacher gave out to the pupils , i think they should keep the paper and not just leave it around because now we are all undergoing global warming , thus we should all do a part in helping to save the earth . beside the dog , there is a bench , below it there are cigarette butts , they should not throw it below instead they should throw them to the dustbin beside it . in conclusion , i think that we should not litter so that we all can have a clean beach to be in .

  8. This picture depicts a scene at a beach. I can see a teacher holding a piece of map and is showing it to a bunch of students.I can also see more students playing.Two of the student that are playing are climbing up a coconut tree.I think this is wrong as they might fall down and injured themself.Some students are playing with water and two students are running as I think they do not want to get wet.I can also see a stray dog looking hungry.The environment is good and clean and I hope people will not destroy the enviroment by littering there.

  9. This picture depicts a scence at a beach.I can see a group of students with an adult.I think that adult is their teacher. I can see her holding a map. I think they are having a treasure hunt. She must be telling them that they are only allowed to serch within certain areas.I think some of them have already started the advanture. I can see a dog. I think it is hungry as it is grabbing on to a empty bag of chips, it might be a stray dog.

  10. This picture depicts a scene at a beach crowded with many many people.I can see a group of children and an adult.I think they are out for an outing with the entire class.They might be moving in groups.While the teacher is explaining something to the rest of the class,a number of mischievious students were playing a fool by the sea side.I feel that they should not do that as they might lose there way.
    Also,I can see a dog with a plastic bag in its mouth,I think that it is a stray dog as it has no collar,and was craving for something to eat.
    Therefore,I feel that pet owners should pay one hundred percent attention to there pets when bringing them out.
    Also,I do not think that the beach is hygenic and clean as there are cigarettes under the bench.I do not feel that they should do that as it is ruining the beach.In conclusion,I think people should be considerate
    and start throwing their garbages in the rubbish bin but not littering.

  11. This picture depics a scene at a beach.I can see that the beach not is very clean as there are many cigarettes under the bench.I think that they should throw those cigarettes into the rubish bin as they are littering on the beach.I can see a group of students and an teacher.I think that the students should not fool around as there is only an teacher with them. If they get lost the teacher would be worried and would not know what to say to their parents.Their parents would think that this teacher is not responsible and lodges a complaint.Not only the teacher gets scolding from parents but the principal too.If I were a student,i would be listening to our teacher and not fooling around by the sea.I can also see a stray dog,biting a plastic bag.I think that it is lost as it is looking for its owner.

  12. This picture depicts a scene at a beach.I can see a very crowded beach,with litter lying all over the place, i think it is not considerate for other people to leave their litter lying out there as it will cause bad air pollution.
    I can also see a dog walking around hungrily looking for food.
    I can see a teacher holding a plastic,i think she is telling the students to clean up the beach,by picking up the litters into the plastic.There are also some disobedient students playing catching along the beach.
    I feel that everyone should do their part to keep the beach clean, so we would have a clean water to swim and a nice enviroment to relax.

  13. This scene depicts a scene of a park as it have benches,dustbin and pepperwalk to walk about.
    I can see a stray dog walking about.I think that they should not let the stray dog into the park as it might bite other people and make lots of noise.
    I can see a woman holding a plastic bag and children crowding around her.I think that the woman is a teacher and the children is listen attentively.I think that the teacher is telling them to pick up the litters and throw it into the dustbin.I think that is a excursion because students dont normally go out with the teacher unless it is a excursion.
    I can see a boy throwing paper at the girl.I think it is very dangerous as they might slip and fall into the ocean.If I were them,i will throw paper at my friends and not play near the ocean as I might slip and fall into the ocean.
    I can see two girls behind a coconut tree.I think they should stop being playful and listen to the teacher as the teacher might tell the class to a important point regarding this excursion.
    I can see two girls hiding behind a bush.I think that they are looking pitifully at the stray dog,hoping if they can heelp the stray dog.I feel that from this behaviour,they must be generous and kind-hearted.
    I can see that the weather is very cloudy.I think that it is going to rain as the weather is very cloudy.I hope that it won't rain as the adults and children could not enjoy so much like that.
    I can see that the the park is spick and span except for the cigarettes below the bench.I think that they shouldn't smoke at here as stray animals might eat it and poison themself and the children and adults cannot enjoy so much like that because of the smell and might have cancer and most importantly,the cleaners have to clean the cigarettes.
    I hope that the park can be clean so that the children and adults can enjoy the fresh air around them.

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  15. This picture depicts a scene at the Beach, I say that because I can see benches, a stone walk and a sea.
    I can see a teacher, showing a map to all her attentive students. It should be the directions around the Beach. The students are looking excited, and attentive. I feel that every student should behave that way during excursions.
    Behind a coconut tree, I can see 2 children, which probably belongs to that group of children with the teacher, playing.
    In my opinion, I feel that they are very naughty children because they are not with the group and listening to instructions.
    Just right in the sea, I can see four students playing around, splashing water at each other. This is very dangerous as any of them might fall into the water, and eventually drown. They should join the group and listen to instructions and have a fun time, instead of being blur and get scoldings.
    There is a paper with the words, "Look inside." on the dustbin. I really think they some people in the beach are really very inconsiderate!
    I also can see a dog, biting a piece of paper which looks very similar to the boy playing near the sea's paper.
    I think that it may be one of the student's worksheet. It is very inconsiderate, as I can see cigarette buds under the wooden bench, and I reckon that many people in the beach litter without any fear that the park may become a rubbish dump, and not being able to see the fine scenery.

    Beaches are suppose to be an enjoyable place for all, but because of some inconsiderate people, future generations may not be able to experience this.
    But, on the bright side, I also can see many people helping to conserve the beach's beauty.
