Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Conversation 2

Have you attended any school outings before?


  1. Yes!Actually I have just came back from one not long ago!We went to the Science Centre and learnt how to make rockets from plastic bottles!And what's great is that we will be going on another one to Changi coast Adventure Centre 21st of April!

  2. Yes!I went to the school outing not long ago.It is at Science Centre and we were viewing cells under the microscope.It was on a 21st of April

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Yes. I've been to the Science Center yesterday afternoon for the Water Rockets Activity. And not long ago, we also went to the Science Center to view Cells under a microscope. I will also be going to the P5 Annual Camp from 21 to 23April at the Changi Coast Adventure.

  5. Dear 5 Diligence,

    When you post your conversations, remember to use the 'Wh' questions to guide your thoughts. You are supposed to use as many sentences as you can, and not complete the conversation with just 3-4 statements.

    Mdm Soon

  6. Yes! I certainly have attended school outings before. In fact, I have attended many school outings already. I ha one not long ago when we went to the science to learn about water rockets. We designed and made our own rockets. It was so much fun. I'm also going to my P5 camp soon!

  7. Yes! I HAVE. I just came back from one, on wednesday,31th March 2010. we went to the science center to learn about water rockets. We designed and made our own rockets. my rocket flew the furthest.It landed on the roof of the opposite building.it was so much fun! i love outings and i can't wait for the next one!

  8. Yes! I have.I just when to the science Center on Wednesday,31th March 2010, with my class mate and our form teache.We went there for the Water Rocket activity.We get designed and bulid our own rockets in our group. And not long ago we went to the Science Centre to look at Cells under the microscope. We are also going to the P5 Camp soon!

  9. Yes. I've been to the Science Center yesterday afternoon for the Water Rockets Activity. And not long ago, we also went to the Science Center to view Cells under a microscope. I will also be going to the P5 Annual Camp from 21 to 23April at the Changi Coast Adventure.
    I enjoyed all my outings because I get to work with my friends, and experience everything with them. I hope we would have more excursions as doing everything in a group, with your friends is much better than doing it individually!

  10. Yes!Actually I have just came back from one not long ago!I have been to the Science Center.I like the outing because I really like cells!At 23 April,My classmates and I are going to a camp at Changi Coast.

  11. yes!I went to a school outing atleast five times a year. I do like outing with school, and by the way my first outing was when I was in K1 the outing was exciting but scary I still remember it as there was a lion escape that day,it was frustrating ,I think. As I dont really remember how I feel.And after two long hours in the enclosour tey annoce that that the tiger has been caught but some of the pollices thaassign forthis job were injured from bites and scartches. what a frightening it was but atleast I survive and here I am today well and healthy.

  12. Yes.I've been to a school outing.It is when we went to the science centre to make our own rocket.Plus,i am going to changi coast adventure on 21st to 23rd of april.

  13. i have been to many school outings,but to tell the truth,i do not like them.just not long ago,i went to the science centre for a making of water rockets.i thought it would be a lot of fun,but all of those thoughts went away for one reason.on the 21st till the 23rd of April, i am going to have a p5 annual camp.it is going to be another trip to 'brave men road'.

  14. Yes! I have.I just when to the science Center on Wednesday,31th March 2010, with my class mate and our form teacher.We went there for the
    Water Rocket activity.We get to design our own rocket.

    And we went to the science centre to view cells under the microscope.And the P5 camp is coming soon!

  15. Yes.I have been to two outings already,both of them were to the Science Centre.I went there with my classmates and my form teacher,Mdm Soon.First,we went there to learn and view cells under the microscope,the second,we went there to learn how to make rockets out of plastic bottles.I was very excited then!
    Also,very soon,we will be going to the P5 Annual Camp from 21 to 23 April at Changi Coast Adventure Centre!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. yes,we have went to the science centre twice to do some science experiment on 15 march and 31 march we went there frist time was to use the micro-scope to see cell the second time we went to do water rocket all of us also got the whole body wet but we found it fun when we were making the water rocket and the instrctor while we were making the rocket the instrctor put the teddy bear inside the connon and fire it we were shock when the tebby bear was fire out .also we will go to the changi coast for camp for 3 day 2 night i was very happy and wanted the camp came faster i wish it come faster.

  18. Yes,i have attended a school outing on the 31st of March.We went to the Science Centre to play with the water rockets.We had at least an hour to do our water rocket.They gave us some materials and gave us some clues.After an hour,we went out of the room to the field to test whose rocket flew the furthest.I was very excited when we were about to blast the rocket.I am also going to the P5 Annual Camp at Changi Coast!i will also be going to the trip to Beijing!I can't wait to go!

  19. Yes!I had one just not long ago.It was to Science Centre.It was about water rockets.I was very excited as we could make our own rockets.My group is called"The Shark"because we had fins and teeth.We got second place.But,sometimes,outings may be not fun.I just hope that our P5 camp will be just as sucessful as this outing.

  20. The conversations here are still a bit too short. Refer to those by Dillon, Clarke and Kira in Conversation 1. Thank you.

    Mdm Soon

  21. Yes! i have been to so many that i need someone else hands and maybe even their feet too.. THe first one i have been to was when i was in k1. Of course, i was with my K1 friends Dhanwansyah and LiQi. It was when we went to the ZOO from what i can remember..We saw a lot animals and my partner,janice,got lost. Although we found her..IN THE TOILET,i still cannot forget that incident.

    The most boring outing was when i was p3.. cause, I went to the ZOO again! But i gotta admit, there were lots of changes..

    The most funny school outing was when i was p4, i went to the theater,i watched the tooth fairy. it was so hilarious! I do love the theater alot too! not only the show. And i am glad that the school gave the consent form for the show or i would have miss the funny show!

    the most nicest or best school outing was when i went to science center when i was i think p3 or p4. we went to see all the amazing exibision! i also remember there was a water clock, which was awesome. i wish to go there not to just go there to stay in a room and one hour later, we go back to school.but go to see the exibision and maybe buy some science stuff too.

  22. Yes, I had attended many excursions in my kindergarten an primary school. The lastest is the science excursion that Mdm Soon brought us to make the water rocket!! That was so awesome.
    The coming one is the p5 camp on 21 april, I think Mdm Soon will come too!

    In kindergarten,
    I went to the zoo. I think I saw a girl that look really like Ji woo.Maybe same date as there were other schools there too.

    My most boring excursion is when I went to zoo in primary3. I went there so many times and it is still the same thing.


  23. Yes , I have just been to Science Centre not long ago.We went there to make.....WATER ROCKETS!We made a rocket but it did not flew far. Deborahs group went over a hundred metres!It was so unbelevable.A bottle rocket flew more than a hundred metres,it is far more powerful that a real mini rocket!

    Our next adventure will be on the 21 of April to the 23 of April, hope it will be fun.

  24. Yes,i have been to the Science Centre last month.We have this activity named "Water Rocket",we formed into a few groups,and sre given an hour to decorate our pet bottle,which everyone has brought along for this activity requested by our teacher earlier on.
    After decorating, we named our pet bottle as "The Shark", then we brought it to the field for tryouts.
    We compete with other groups by shooting it.The group which can shoot the furthest will win, our group got the scond for this activity.
    It was an extremely fun excursion,i am looking forward for the second outing with the whole primary five level which is the three days two nights camp at Changi Coast Adventure Centre.
